Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day

Happy birthday to my fellow wench. Another Talk Like a Pirate Day has come and I find that I am speaking pirate to myself. It seems that friends afflicted with our special brand of crazy are far more rare than I would have thought. Then again, maybe it's just me. Whatever the reason, the position of BFF remains open.

You would have been 40 years old today. I still have the peace lily I brought home from your memorial. Knowing me as well as you do, and my history with house plants (let's not talk about all the tea roses), it's a minor miracle that the plant has survived this long. I like to think that maybe you're helping with a bit of heavenly gardening.

It's been a bit over a year now. I think of you often especially when I hear Greenday :). Anyway, I know you're up there saving me a seat. Of course you realize I'll be late...very, very, very late I hope! Some things never change.

Oh by the way...I still have your horrible ugly leather flame shoes. I never got around to burning them when as intended, and now I just can't bring myself to torch them. I'm afraid if I cremate them, you'll start wearing them in Heaven. I don't know if even God himself would forgive me for that! Maybe I'll dust them off an make a couple of tribute laps in the nearest church. We've done worse!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I miss the beach

Hot sand beneath my feet and warm sun on my back. Tasting the salt in the air and on my skin. Combing the shore for treasures whose value can only been seen by the eyes of a child. Playing tag with the surf.  Building a kingdom in the morning and watching it fall by the afternoon. Sliding down sand dunes on a cardboard box.

Looking out at the ocean and realizing just how small you are in the grand scheme of things.